
Studio 3688 will be run by 23-year-old Kayla Tellier and supported by AutismBC.  Kayla has an acting degree and during her time at arts school gained experience in teaching, with 30 classes of assistant teaching experience and a semester of peer tutoring in theater class of Grade 11 High School.  In addition to this, Kayla has 11 years of onset experience (background/doubling/principals for student films) and also worked in roles such as small production producing, directing, stage manager and script writing for shorter periods of time.
Kayla started Studio 3688 because acting has helped her overcome many challenges her ASD diagnosis has presented.  Being involved in theatre clubs has helped her make friends, build confidence, and find great mentors and now she wants to share that experience with others. The hope is to put on a free talent show or small production in June/July of this year.  The club will be neurodiverse for people of all abilities aged 10-14yrs old and attendees can participate as much, or as little as they want.  Everyone is welcome to join the Saturday session, but if they don’t want to be in the performances then we can find other ways for them to be involved like stage management, or helping with script writing.
Studio 3688 is open to everyone, regardless of ability but we do not have 1:1 support available.  Parents are required to stay for the session, but can wait in the café area if your child does not need support.  If your child does require additional support during the session, we encourage you to get involved. 
January 26th  1 - 4pm
February 2nd - 1 - 4pm
February 23rd - 1 - 4pm
March 16th - 1 - 4pm