
AutismBC Goes Bowling!

During Autism Awareness Month Canada, Tree of Life employees came together over lunch to learn more about autism and the work of AutismBC. Following the lunch and learn, everyone was invited to purchase t-shirts, Christmas cards, raffle tickets or make a donation. In less than 30mins they raised over $605. Tree of Life is based in Surrey and so we are pleased to use this donation to fund this AutismBC Goes… event. To learn more about Tree of Life click here

So join us for an afternoon of strikes, spares, gutterballs and fun!

Where: Scottsdale Bowling Lanes 12033 84 Ave, Surrey, BC V3W 3N4
When: Saturday November 24th, 2:00pm - 4:00pm
Fee: Free!

Space is limited, registration is required

Please register here!