

3rd Annual Fall BBQ & Picnic 

Saturday September 14
Wilkins Regional Park; Wilkins Rd, Prince George, BC V2M 7B8

Join us for the 3rd Annual Fall BBQ & Picnic. Enjoy hamburgers, hot dogs, refreshments and snacks as we come together and celebrate the start up or ouf fall programs. This event is a great opportunity for our members to connect with each other. This year, we will have some staff from our head office joining us for the picnic, so we encourage everybody to come on out and have a good time. 

Best of All: Its Free! 

CLICK HERE to Register and let us know that you are coming. We need to know by September 12th if you would like to come as we need to know how much food to buy! 



You do not need to be a member to attend this event, but membership has it perks.


To check your AutismBC membership status please login by clicking here.
To sign up for FREE membership click here.